Our partners have considerable experience advising clients about all aspects of the organisation and improvement of healthcare services. We have conducted over one hundred and fifty projects in diagnostics, many in public sector pathology services.
We work mainly for clients who value an external perspective and challenge when seeking to improve performance, organisational structure, processes and managerial controls. Our firm has a deep pool of experience to draw from when assisting clients and we deploy teams matched to our client’s need. Recent projects include:
- benchmarking the demand, activities and costs of an international public / private pathology network
- planning, mobilisation and leadership of a public sector Covid-19 Lighthouse Testing Laboratory
- preparation of a ‘case for collaboration’ for an emerging public sector diagnostic network
- development of a ‘central planning scenario’ from which to launch market development activities
- planning and management of the consolidation of cervical screening testing from ten laboratories into one
- organisational design of the technical and scientific workforce at a significant NHS collaborative venture
- creation of multiple strategic, outline and full business cases for collaboration between public pathology services.